Descartes Before the Horse

AI is in the house. Unless you have been living under a rock these past two months, it seems safe to say that AI-driven interfaces have made a big splash. First and foremost, of course is ChatGPT (GPT being Generative Pre-trained Transformer), a chatbot from the company OpenAI, that has garnered an enormous amount of…

The Art of Deflection

As the gentle reader of this blog will know and as Greg has stated in the About text (upper right hand side on the page), we have a particular interest in the intersection of news from America and the way in which these news are delivered to the Danish people. It was therefore with a…

750 dollars and the laziness of DR

And here we go again. It is nearly October, it is an election year, Orange Man Bad is running. Can you guess what time it is, boys and girls? That’s right. It is hit piece time. And, right on cue, the New York Times, a former newspaper, claims to have gotten the inside scoop on…