Why do bad things always happen to Democrats?

Suffering people deserve our compassion and mercy. As an 89-year-old woman in a relatively advanced state of dementia, recently hospitalized for shingles, Diane Feinstein is certainly seem entitled at least that much. But only as an 89-year-old woman. As California’s senior representative in the U.S. Senate, however, she deserves nothing but our contempt. After all,…


Mikkel Danielsen tried to explain John Fetterman to Danes in yesterday’s Berlingske. The Democrats’ big hope is a middle-aged man in a hoodie and shorts.Worries are now growing about his conditionMikkel Danielsen, Berlingske.dk, Sept 13 Middle-aged men in hoodies and shorts are something I sometimes encounter Sunday afternoons at the dump. You can probably also…

DR Coverage of America: All the News That Suits the Democratic Party

Here’s something that showed up on the DR website a couple of days ago: Bill on abortion access voted down in US SenateReuters/Ritzau, DR.dk, May 12 That’s a very crisp and succinct headline in English. The actual Danish headline speaks of “fri abort,” which I translated here as “abortion access.” I’ve often translated it in…

Our Unconstitutional Constitution

It has to be said over and over and over again: Amy Coney Barrett is going to be confirmed as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. The Constitution gives the president the power to nominate her, and it gives the Senate the power to approve her nomination. The president has nominated her and…