Patience has a shelf life

I was pleased to encounter the following statement in Fox News article I stumbled over last night. It was made by CNN host Don Lemon on live television: “We sit around and we talk about these things and we want to give this false equivalence to Democrats and Republicans. That is not where we are…

The wild and hysterical extremism of the global left is the most destructive political force in the west. Change my mind.

My headline is my contention: the wild and hysterical extremism of the global left is the most destructive political force in the west. Let’s start with some definitions, in accordance with my old-fashioned notion that communication and understanding work best when people are talking about the same things. By “the global left” I mean the…

The Extremist Party

According to CNN, Joe Biden is “sharpening his mid-term message.” At the White House on Wednesday, Ole Puddinhead delivered a speech that “reflected Biden’s preparations for intense midterm campaigning built around hammering Republicans.” You know, the way “unity” candidates often do. With his approval rating as bad as the low 30s in some polls and…

The Phantom Menace

G.K. Chesteron opens up The Superstition of Divorce with a passage I think I’ve already quoted somewhere on this blog: It is still in some strange way considered unpractical to open up inquiries about anything by asking what it is. I happen to have, however, a fairly complete contempt for that sort of practicality; for…


I’ll happily allow myself to be called a free speech extremist, an individual liberty extremist, a national sovereignty extremist, and many other kinds of extremist besides. But I would never call myself, or consent to being called, a “right wing extremist” or “far right extremist,” because that would be inaccurate. Nor would I identify myself…