
Let’s start with a some textual analysis. Here’s the text: What we’re seeing now is the beginning or the death knell of an extreme MAGA philosophy. It’s not just Trump, it’s the entire philosophy that underpins the—I’m going to say something, it’s like semi-fascism. Those words were spoken by Joe Biden at a fundraiser in…

Mr. Missdirection (or: How Berlingske learned to stop worrying and love the violence)

This is a tough post to write for two reasons. First, it’s just one more example of something I’ve chronicled many times already. Second, it makes me so angry I have to fall back on my Clemens quote: “A man can’t write successful satire unless he be in a calm judicial good humor,” [Clemens] remarked…

Surfin’ USA

Mads Fuglede is a member of the Danish parliament for the (ostensibly) right-of-center Venstre party. On Sunday he penned an opinion piece for the (ostensibly) right-of-center Berlingske Tidende. In his byline, Berlingske identified him not only as a member of parliament, but also a “U.S. Analyst.” A right-of-center reader of this right-of-center publication might have…