The elites. The anointed. The establishment. The cathedral. The machine. These are the words most often used to describe the set of people and organizations who wield most of the political power, control most of the economic resources, and exert the most cultural influence in the western world today. The terms are used so widely,…

Pausen der forfrisker

The Democrat National Convention took place last week (and gave new meaning to the phrase “going postal”).  A police shooting in Kenosha, Wisconsin a couple of days ago has led to more riots, looting, beatings, arson, and now some shootings.  The Republican National Convention started on Monday and is still underway.   And there’s still a…

Ur posten

This is the Ur post, a post I’ll refer people back to for the basics of what this blog is about and who I am. What this blog is about I’d like to offer Danes an alternative point of view on American phenomena.  That raises the obvious question: “Alternative to what?”  The answer is: just…