Make Government Irrelevant Again

My core political beliefs can’t be stated any more succinctly than they’re stated in the Declaration of Independence: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That…

Sayers of Sooth

“Cato used to say,” Cicero writes in The Nature of the Gods, “that he wondered how one soothsayer could keep a straight face when he met another.” It’s easy to wonder the same about American pollsters. Hold that thought. Americans right now have a more favorable opinion of Donald Trump than they do of Joe…

Bad News

Europe’s given up on America, according to an article today from Berlingske: Europeans Turn Their Backs on America after Trump, and Denmark Stands Out on a Decisive Point, Kristian Mouritzen,, February 11 The subhead spells it out pretty plainly: “Europeans simply do not trust that the new president of the United States, Joe Biden,…

For Whom the Polls Tell

I flipped back and forth between DR and TV2 News Tuesday evening for their American election coverage until about 21:00, then got a little sleep and was watching American coverage on Fox (via internet) from about 01:30. My main takeaway from the Danish coverage was that I’ve been much too charitable on this blog. Danish…