On The Famous Oligarchs

Let’s talk about those sinister oligarchs we keep hearing about. Let’s talk about the men—they’re all men—of vast wealth who control whole industries and exist in perfect symbiosis with their regime: a regime that grants the oligarchs regulatory favors so they can make more money, in return for which favors the oligarchs throw the full…

A Sad Case

While the U.S. correspondents for most of the establishment European media have been covering the crisis on America’s southern border, to the extent that many of them run the risk of committing actual journalism, DR’s own ace correspondent Steffen Kretz has bigger fish to fry: BigTech headed for a reckoning: A couple of “likes” drew…

Thunders and Unravelings

A little over a century ago, a young man died of tuberculosis while in prison, just three months before his twenty-fifth birthday. According to various sources, he had etched a bit of free verse into a wall of his cell: Our shadows will walk through Vienna wander the court, frighten the lords. Gavrilo Princip had…

The Man Who Never Was

His name is Anthony Bobulinski. I conducted the following searches between 12:15 and 12:27 today, October 28. On Berlingske.dk: On B.T.: On Information.dk: On taxpayer-funded DR.dk: On Politiken.dk: On TV2News.dk And yet, on Google: In case it’s hard to read: that’s 174,000 results in about a quarter of a second. In the news tab of…