Burning down the house

I just want to lay down a marker: my advance transcript, posted hours before the transcript was even released yesterday, nailed it. Here’s the real transcript from the New York Times. Compare and contrast—and marvel at my powers of precognition. Which I had thought was just satire. I never would have imagined Biden’s handlers would…

Surfin’ USA

Mads Fuglede is a member of the Danish parliament for the (ostensibly) right-of-center Venstre party. On Sunday he penned an opinion piece for the (ostensibly) right-of-center Berlingske Tidende. In his byline, Berlingske identified him not only as a member of parliament, but also a “U.S. Analyst.” A right-of-center reader of this right-of-center publication might have…

Lost Without Translation

Herself and I were startled when Joe Biden’s inaugural speech, being broadcast live by DR, was suddenly accompanied by a real-time audio translation into Danish. One doesn’t encounter a lot of English-language dubbing in a country where 85% of the population speaks English (the ratio is higher among the younger generations and lower among the…