Ho ho ho, Joe Joe Joe: take your &%#@! unity and—

Language note: This post originally contained such salty language that I thought I should include a warning up front for those turned off by profanity. Against all odds, however, I managed to seize control of my temper and soothe it down to the point where I could form coherent sentences without explosions of Anglo-Saxon crudity….

A Pox on Their English

With all the monkeypox headlines banging around in the news lately, I took a moment yesterday to go to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) website and see what they had to say about it. What I found was so bizarre that I took a screencap of the page because I certainly hope it will…

Definition, Please

There’ve been a lot of international headlines the past couple of days about the British Home Secretary’s having put forward a bill to punish Britons expressing racism online toward soccer players by depriving offenders of the right to attend matches in person for up to ten years. For example: British minister tightens grip: Online hatred…

A Soldier, a Cougar, and Some Numbers

Soldierly Language DR followed up on yesterday’s widely-run wire story about Swedish conscripts being sent home to recover from “rough treatment” with a little more depth later in the day. It doesn’t really add to or change the original story, or affect my initial reaction, but there was a bit more detail in one respect:…

Lighten Up, Sven

There was a story in Berlingske Tidende yesterday about something I’d caught in the English language press a week or two ago: the Scottish Ballet’s plans to “help drive anti-racism” by introducing changes to their annual production of The Nutcracker. The headline on the Berlingske story by Amalie Haun is “Famous Christmas classic being remade:…

On Cussin’

I’m a Boston driver by nature and nurture, seasoned with additional experience on the expressways of Chicago, the freeways of Los Angeles, and the gridlock of New York, so I tend to mutter a lot while I drive, addressing all the many shortcomings of the drivers with whom I’m forced to share the roads. It…

Minding Manners

There’s an interesting article in DR today: Are you sill in doubt whether to use “Hi” or “Dear?” Why it’s hard to begin a polite mailLucca Elisa Møller Pedersen & Julie Würtz, DR.dk, Sep 26 The question is simple enough: should one begin an email or SMS to a stranger with “Hi” or “Dear?” (Hej…

Lost Without Translation

Herself and I were startled when Joe Biden’s inaugural speech, being broadcast live by DR, was suddenly accompanied by a real-time audio translation into Danish. One doesn’t encounter a lot of English-language dubbing in a country where 85% of the population speaks English (the ratio is higher among the younger generations and lower among the…