The Ukraine girls really knock them out

Yesterday—Saturday, April 7—I posted a Substack article about something that had been gnawing at me for a long time: the destructive force of feminization in western politics and culture. It’s not a misogynistic perspective—I bent over backwards to make that clear—just a sense that the stigmatization of masulinity and maleness is wreaking havoc on our…

It takes a tough man to make a tender woman

Danmarks Radio (DR) published a multimedia presentation on their website this weekend. The teaser text on their homepage was “Carl was a top executive—and changed sex. As Caroline, she now knows that women have it much harder in the workplace.” Preach, Caroline! Or rather: mansplain! This guy literally went home from work as a man…

Equity’s a bitch and then you die

According to an item on DR’s website: In 2021, an average of five women or girls per hour globally were killed by a partner or family member in their own home, according to a new report from the UN, according to Ritzau. Five females per hour times 24 hours times 365 days gives a total…

What Is a Woman?

Herself and I watched Matt Walsh’s documentary What Is a Woman last night. It’s mostly a polemic against our increasing willingness to let our children be irreversibly chemically and surgically altered to bring their physical bodies into harmony with their identities. That may not sound like a subject that would lend itself to a light,…

A conflict of rules

There’s an interesting article on DR’s website right now: EU wants more equality: “We’re lagging far behind”Simone Nielsen,, Jun 21 The article itself isn’t especially interesting—the EU is implementing what amounts to gender quotas (but don’t you ever call them that!) for the boards of European companies with at least 250 employees.  Pretty stupid…

A Soldier, a Cougar, and Some Numbers

Soldierly Language DR followed up on yesterday’s widely-run wire story about Swedish conscripts being sent home to recover from “rough treatment” with a little more depth later in the day. It doesn’t really add to or change the original story, or affect my initial reaction, but there was a bit more detail in one respect:…

Sex Sells (And Sells Out)

One of the top stories on DR’s homepage this morning was the one I wrote about Monday: Bretman Rock’s appearance on the cover of Playboy. DR’s headline proclaimed, ” ‘Huge’ with a homosexual man on the cover of Playboy.” The image accompanying the headline featured a heavily made-up and mostly bare-chested Rock against a wall…

How do you solve a problem like Cuomo?

The big story in American politics right now is the release of a report from the New York Attorney General’s office concluding, among other things, “that the Governor engaged in conduct constituting sexual harassment under federal and New York State law.” That governor would of course be one Andrew Cuomo, son of former New York…

A Good Day for Big Brother

Friends of Big Brother rejoice! First: good news! According to DR, Twitter is partnering with AP and Reuters to improve their ability to enforce the narrative in real time: According to Twitter, the two news bureaus will contribute to trustworthy information about central topics and events being accessible while they happen. This will be especially…

On the Burning of Witches

Today is Sankt Hans Aften in Denmark: St. John’s Eve. The holiday is a celebration of John the Baptist’s birth, which the Gospel dates six months prior to Jesus’s: thus St. John’s Day is six months before Christmas. (More or less: changing calendars over the years have resulted in the slight offset.) Skt. Hans Aften…

Filibusters and Filly Bustiers

Astronomical spring began today in the northern hemisphere. I’m glad for that, because Danish “traditional” spring began on the first of March and did absolutely nothing. Winter refused to vacate the premises. As I noted in a post last fall, “It’s not the indifference to astronomical science [by the ‘traditional’ Danish seasons] that bothers me,…

Grease is No Longer the Word

SPOILER ALERT: If you’ve never seen Grease, there are spoilers galore ahead, so I recommend you run along on your merry way and come back after you’ve seen it. None of this will make sense if you haven’t, anyway. TRIGGER ALERT: This piece uses words and defends ideas that people who are wounded by words…

Sex & Død

There’s an old joke about the liberal slant of New York Times news coverage encapsulated in a single representative headline: “World Ends: Women and Minorities Hardest Hit.” TV2 is clearly trying to keep up with the Times. I can’t fault them entirely: they’re just following the lead of the United Nations, whose Secretary General António…