Moving on. . .

“Maybe it’s time,” I wrote in the last line of the previous post, “to accept that the Danish media have no interest in covering America as anything but an outgrowth of the Democratic Party and move on.” I’ve always hated ambiguity: it’s time to move on. In case you haven’t already made the switch, or…

The Pause that Refreshes

There’s a piece up on Nagan Of Copenhagen that explains the circumstances behind the recent lack of content. It also lays out a pretty good case for my not rushing back. (Or for rushing back, if that’s how I’m feeling.) I’ll be back eventually, as annoyed and indefatigably optimistic as ever, but whether that means…


Very busy week—youngest is being confirmed on Saturday—so I apologize for the recent lack of content here. That lack is going to continue through the weekend. Paid subscribers will as always be credited appropriately. There is some new stuff over on the Substack, so mosey on over there if you’re interested. Regularish blogging will resume…

Time out

It’s come to my attention that to celebrate my birthday, Herself will be whisking me off shortly for parts unknown. I have no idea where we’re going and am apparently not going to know until we check in to our flight. I will therefore not be posting until later this week, possibly not until next…

New venue, new venue!

Over the weekend I started up a Substack publication. If you’re interested, you can access it here: NaganOfCopenhagen. It was work enough just to get the settings configured, so the only post over there for the time being is an introductory one that’s probably entirely redundant to anyone who’s visited this blog more than a…

Weekend Mush

Saturday we went out to buy our Christmas tree. Eldest couldn’t join us because Eldest always has more important things to do these days, so it was just Herself, Youngest, and Me. We wanted to make it an actual event, as it should be, so the three of us decided we’d try a new place…

Out of the clear blue sky

It was a beautiful summer morning. Not a cloud in the sky. A Tuesday. I woke up, made some coffee, and sat down at my computer to write in my journal. It had been the kickoff weekend for the NFL, and apparently Herself and I had spent the entire Sunday watching football. (“The Colts annihilated…


Against all odds, our household has recovered enough from its recent bout with the Wuhan virus to be permitted a vacation. To ensure I get the maximum recharge value out of it, there will be no blogging from me during this vacation. (Persons planning to loot our house in our absence should note that we…

Stormy Weather

On Friday night the Danish national men’s team, strong favorites to win the European Championship, got knocked out of the semifinals by losing to Spain after having led for the first 45 minutes. On Saturday morning Herself and I went through the all-too-familiar ritual of queueing up at a test center for the obligatory four-days-after-near-contact…


It’s the last day of the year. In a matter of mere hours, the annus horribilis 2021 will get packed away into the sealed box that is the past, and we’ll all advance, time zone by time zone, into the unwritten world of 2022. (Those of us who live according to Gregorian calendar, anyway. A…

“Now it’s Christmas again… and Christmas lasts through to Easter”

This is my nineteenth Christmas in Denmark, so the Danish Christmas traditions no longer trouble, discomfit, or surprise me. They’re the traditions my own children have grown up with; I’ve not only metabolized Danish Christmas internally, but helped advance it forward to a new generation. And yet it was never my intention to raise my…

In Memoriam

Note: This is a very personal post and therefore unlike my usual content.  It’s a memorial to my parents, both of whom died a few weeks apart in August.  It’s not a very good memorial because I don’t have much experience in the genre and hope not to gain much more.  It was simply something…

A Word of Explanation

Roughly one month ago, this blog went dark with no advance warning.  On August 15, I posted that the blog was down due to a family emergency. That emergency was a dire one: my mother had been hospitalized due to a serious deterioration in her health.  I flew out to Florida on August 11th to…